Sunday, December 23, 2007


So Nick and I went snowboarding yesterday. It was absolutely beautiful. The snow was wonderful (finally). We went With Stephanie York and Andrew. Andrew is a beginner so it was kinda slow going but it was still a blast. The weather was beautiful. And only a little sore today.

Monday, December 10, 2007

O.P. cracks me up...

So O.P. Loves Toys that squeak. with have this stupid squeaky elephant that he puts in his mouth and just goes nuts to get it to squeak.Sadly the elephant has been put to rest. So I got him a reindeer.. just to be festive.. He loves the dumb thing it has super long arms and legs and he just tares around the house with it... of course making it squeak the whole time.. it cracks me up.
So tis weekend was a busy one... We had the Myer's Christmas party on Saturday which was a lot of fun. despite the crappy announcer lady.. would you like a box? But I did chop my hair... It's really short this time
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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
The back
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So yeah its a lot different but I like it.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Our Wedding Photos

Christmas is in the air....

So today we went to go get a Christmas tree in Apple Hill. We first went to Santa's Acres and couldn't really find a tree we really liked. So we went over to Honey Bear Ranch so I could take that journey down memory lane. We got yummy apple dumplings and Hot Apple Cider... We then ran into the owner.. I remember before my grandparents sold the ranch my grandpa planted a bunch of Christmas Trees so I asked the owner if they were selling the trees. She told me know because thy needed to be thinned out..But she told me that Nick and I could go cut one down.. So we got our Christmas tree, one that my grandpa planted years ago ;) Now we just need to get decorations!

Friday, November 30, 2007

Finally Friday

So finally this hellish week is over.. This was just a sucky week. The guy that Nick bought his truck from called and was just an asshole about some parking ticket I guess Nick got before the trucks registration was changed over. He called just being an immature ass saying he was taking the truck back... lame. like he can take a truck back over a 25 dollar ticket. Oh well we gave him the money told him to shove it so hopefully we don't have to deal with it again. So I finally talked to my boss about moving and she told me how to contact recruiters for the pay area so that I can transfer to the bay area at hopefully a manager position. Which my boss feels very confidently that I can do. I never thought that at my age I could become a bank supervisor, but I really feel its what I need to do..

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


So I have been thinking alot lately about my job and where I want to go with it. I decided that when I move to the bay area i want move up when I move.I really want to be an operations supervisor but i know an accounts person gets paid more. But ops sup gets you more in the position to be a branch manager which is where i would like to end up. I am really liking my job and I feel like I am finally getting a grip on it. I have to spend maybe 5 more minutes to get organized and then maybe I would be able to feel better about my job.

So where to start

Ok so I just decided to start one of these so I can be one of the cool people....Not really.