Friday, November 30, 2007

Finally Friday

So finally this hellish week is over.. This was just a sucky week. The guy that Nick bought his truck from called and was just an asshole about some parking ticket I guess Nick got before the trucks registration was changed over. He called just being an immature ass saying he was taking the truck back... lame. like he can take a truck back over a 25 dollar ticket. Oh well we gave him the money told him to shove it so hopefully we don't have to deal with it again. So I finally talked to my boss about moving and she told me how to contact recruiters for the pay area so that I can transfer to the bay area at hopefully a manager position. Which my boss feels very confidently that I can do. I never thought that at my age I could become a bank supervisor, but I really feel its what I need to do..

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


So I have been thinking alot lately about my job and where I want to go with it. I decided that when I move to the bay area i want move up when I move.I really want to be an operations supervisor but i know an accounts person gets paid more. But ops sup gets you more in the position to be a branch manager which is where i would like to end up. I am really liking my job and I feel like I am finally getting a grip on it. I have to spend maybe 5 more minutes to get organized and then maybe I would be able to feel better about my job.

So where to start

Ok so I just decided to start one of these so I can be one of the cool people....Not really.